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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can cause a variety of signs and symptoms.The most common are fever,cough and tiredness.
Other symptoms include:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Runny nose
Chest pain
But COVID-19 can cause symptoms you don't expect, including:
Digestive symptoms.COVID-19 may cause nausea,vomiting,or diarrhea alone,or with other COVID-19 symptoms.Digestive symptoms sometimes precede fever and respiratory symptoms.Loss of smell or taste.A new loss of smell or taste (but no nasal congestion) is a common early symptom of COVID-19.Studies show that most changes in smell and taste usually disappear within 30 days.However, for some people,moderate to severe changes in sense of smell and taste can last 60 days or more.
Skin changes:The most common skin changes associated with mild to severe COVID-19 include a flat rash covered with small bumps,discolored areas on the fingers and toes (COVID toes), and hives.COVID toes appear to be more common in children and young adults.One or more toes or fingers will develop swelling or discoloration.The hands,wrists,or ankles can also be affected. Blisters,itching,rough skin,or painful bumps may occur.A small amount of pus may develop under the skin. Symptoms can last 10 to 14 days or months.However,swollen,discolored fingers or toes could also be chilblains,an inflammatory skin condition.Repeated exposure to cold air can cause chilblains Puzzled.Severe confusion (confusion) may be the main or only symptom of COVID-19 in older adults. This COVID-19 symptom is associated with a high risk of adverse outcomes, including death.
Eye problems:Pink eye (conjunctivitis) may be a symptom of COVID-19.Research shows that the most common eye problems associated with COVID-19 are light sensitivity, sore eyes, and itchy eyes.Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.They range from mild to severe.Call your healthcare provider if you think you may have symptoms of COVID-19.Sex and COVID-19: Can you get COVID-19 from sexual activity?
Can you get COVID-19 from sex?
All close contact (within 6 feet or 2 meters) with an infected person can expose you to the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) whether you are sexually active or not.The virus spreads through respiratory droplets released when a person with the virus coughs,sneezes or talks.These droplets can be inhaled or land in the mouths or noses of people nearby.Exposure to a person's saliva through kissing or other sexual activity can give you the virus.People with COVID-19 may also spread respiratory droplets on their skin and personal items.A sexual partner can catch the virus by touching these surfaces and then touching his or her mouth, nose or eyes.However,the risk of infection through touching a contaminated surface is low.The COVID-19 virus can be spread through contact with feces.You can get the COVID-19 virus through sexual activity that comes in contact with feces.There is currently no evidence that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted through semen or vaginal fluids,but the virus has been detected in the semen of people who have been infected or are recovering from the virus.Further research is needed to determine whether the COVID-19 virus can be sexually transmitted.The U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the COVID-19 vaccine.Also keep getting vaccinated against COVID-19 to prevent serious illness.If you are vaccinated,it is probably safe for you to have sex and close physical contact with a partner who is also vaccinated.You are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after you received your second dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after you received a single dose of Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.You are considered up-to-date if you received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters, when you were eligible.However, even if you are up to date with your vaccines,in some cases you may need to take steps to reduce your risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus.You can also take steps to reduce the risk of spreading it to others.For example,if you or your partner are not feeling well,or you think you may have COVID-19, do not kiss or have sex until you are both feeling better.Also, if you or your partner are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 due to an existing chronic medical condition,you may want to consult with your healthcare provider about ways to protect yourself.It is safer to have sex with a partner who is vaccinated and lives with you. If you and your partner do not live in the same household, and if either of you has not been vaccinated against COVID-19 or is not up to date, please continue to avoid close contact-including sexual contact.If you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19,masturbation is a safe sexual activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.Always wash your hands and use any sex toys before and after masturbation. You may also consider engaging in sexual activity with your partner via text,photo or video,preferably using an encrypted platform to provide privacy.Besides sex,there are other ways to create or maintain intimacy with your partner.Choose an outdoor well-ventilated place for an appointment.Stroll around town, hike together, or try al fresco dining.Avoid crowded public places. You can also share your favorite music,write each other letters or dress up each other. Be creative.If you are unvaccinated and have sex with someone outside your household,consider these precautions to reduce your risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus:
Minimize the number of sexual partners you have.
Avoid sexual partners who have symptoms of COVID-19.
Avoid kissing.
Avoid sex with a risk of fecal-oral transmission or involving semen or urine.
Use condoms and dental dams for oral and anal sex.
Wear a mask during sexual activity.
Wash your hands and shower before and after sexual activity.
Wash sex toys before and after use.
Use soap or alcohol wipes to clean the area where you have sex.
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